Chris’ Top 3 Gemstone Lights Patterns and Animations

Chris Wilson is the President of Vibe Illuminations Inc. and after years of working with Gemstone Lights and more than a year of owning a company dedicated to installing them, it’s only natural that he has a few favourite animations and patterns, compliments of the Gemstone Lights Hub App. Here are Chris’ favourites!

The Ghost Animation

This is a classic pattern where three to five different coloured lights ‘fly’ around over a solid background. Chris loves to do a variation on this: he calls it the “fireball” as it uses bright red and orange colours at the front of the ghost and dimmer orange and yellow colours at the back. As the fireball makes its way around the house, it creates a really cool effect. A variation on this can be made by doing the same pattern on a back-and-forth mode which makes a “Kit 2000” look by having a red streak move from side to side. This looks awesome on bungalows but can be used on any house.

The Gradient Animation

Of the newer animations that Gemstone Lights has designed, the gradient animation is another one of Chris’ favourites.They’re always coming out with new animations which is great if you like to mix up the look of your house. Gradient is just what it sounds like – a flow of colours that moves as a gradient – usually done in a rainbow of colours where yellow moves into orange, which moves into red, followed by purple, blue, and green, which moves back into yellow. You can choose how big you want the colour sections to be and how long you want them to stay before fading into the next colour. You can also add more colours – with over 16 million colour combinations possible, your options are endless.

The Fireworks Animation

If you want to celebrate with a light show but without all the noise, expense, and clean up of traditional fireworks, the fireworks animation is great. Brightly coloured lights are grouped at random against a dark background, and move from side to side or up and down levels without needing to follow in a straight line. It really does give the impression of fireworks!

The Motionless Animation

Last, but not least, the animation that isn’t. Just because it’s possible to have your Gemstone Lights move, doesn’t mean they have to. Chris also likes static lights…the motionless animation where they stay one colour all the time. This works really well with Gemstone Flood Lights as it really helps highlight the architectural features on your property.

There are dozens of Gemstone Lights pre-set animations to choose from, and each of them can be customized in terms of the colours you use and the length of time each animation lasts. The best part is that because the new Gemstone Flood Lights also work within the same app, you can also extend your patterns and colours to them as well, all from the comfort of your living room. With so many colour combinations and animations available, you could change your lights daily and never run out of options! Or you could find one you love and stick with it if that’s your preference. The choice is yours! Do you have a favourite Gemstone Lights animation? Show us by posting a video on social media and tagging us in it! We love seeing people get creative with their lights!