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Brighten Up Your Home With Warm Lights This Winter With Gemstone Lights

Let’s face it, winters in Canada can feel unending – especially as January drags into February and the grey days add up. The days are starting to get longer again but it still gets dark early and with the festive holiday lights coming down there aren’t a lot of sources for colour in the landscape. This is where Gemstone Lights can really shine. Using your Gemstone Lights to brighten up your home with warm lights can help your house look inviting, no matter what Mother Nature is doing with the weather.

Gemstone outdoor LED smart lights use RGBW technology which means that, unlike other smart outdoor lighting, they can be programmed to give a true warm white colour.

Gemstone Warm lights installed on arched roof and dormer

What is Warm White?

Think of the glow when a candle is burning in your home – that’s warm white. Warm white light has a low colour temperature, meaning that it emits more red and yellow than blue and green wavelengths. More red and yellow wavelengths mean that warm whites are a softer, more inviting glow than cool white light – which can be overly bright and hard on the eyes. (Many new LED headlights are a cool white – the blue hue to the colour is a dead giveaway that it’s cool rather than warm light).

Warm white lights are often used in residential settings because the softer light is less harsh on the eyes and creates a cozy atmosphere. If you like the soft glow of incandescent bulbs, you’ll prefer warm white lighting to cool white lighting. As a result of the warm undertones, warm white is the perfect underpinning for all of your Gemstone Light colours to help you warm up winter and add some colour to your house with smart outdoor LED lighting.

Using the Gemstone Lights Hub App, you can customize the colour and brightness of each individual light. When you are using the Pattern Builder, you can choose which colour you want from the 4,228,250,625 possible colour combinations. You can also use the slider at the bottom of the Pattern Builder to adjust the brightness of the lights. Just move the slider along a value between 1-100.

There may still be a couple of months of winter left, but with Gemstone Lights smart outdoor lighting you can make the rest of winter brighter and warmer by changing up the colours of your house weekly or even daily.